Iwona and Felix – Wedding Hotel Marriott

Standesamt Schmargendorf #Hochzeit Hotel Marriott Berlin #Klas Band #

Galerie & Online Shop

Galerie & Online Shop

For guests and relatives it is possible to download images for free or to order prints, posters and finishes. The password can be requested directly from the bride and groom.

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Iwona and Felix exchanged their vows in the registry office Schmargendorf. Many relatives and friends were there and were rejoicing with the couple. On the way to the wedding location, the Hotel Marriott Berlin, we made a few more stops to make beautiful wedding couple photos in Berlin. The catwalk was also provided by the hotel for photos. The newlyweds celebrated a wild party until early morning. It was nice being able to photograph this wedding, I wish the couple all the best, also to the forthcoming birth of their child.

Grit Erlebach - Wedding Photographer

Grit Erlebach - Wedding Photographer

My name is Grit Erlebach. I am based in Berlin, but I am available as a wedding photographer throughout Germany, Austria, Italy, France and Switzerland.
#Berlin Wedding Photographer #Thailand Wedding Photographer #Gay wedding photographer #Bavaria wedding photographer #Cologne Wedding photographer #